
Configure QuickPay

Login to the QuickPay administration.

Click Indstillinger -> Min konto in the left handside menu and change the language to english. Log out and login again.


Now go to Settings -> Merchant and type in your information.


Lastly go to Settings -> API Access and type in the IP address of your server running Tea Commerce.


Configure Tea Commerce

Create a payment method and select QuickPay as the payment provider. Now configure the settings.

QuickPay supports a wide range of different settings which you can read more about in their documentation.

merchant Find it in QuickPay administration **Settings -> Merchant -> QuickpayId**
language UI language of the payment window presented to the customer
continueurl URL customer is redirected to when the payment is completed
cancelurl URL customer is redirected to when he cancels the payment
autocapture Whether the payment is deducted immediately from the customers credit card
cardtypelock Which card types the customer can select to pay with
md5secret Find it in QuickPay administration **Settings -> MD5 secret**
testmode Whether or not test mode is enabled


Last Updated: 12/18/2019, 1:58:30 PM