
Version 2.3.5

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Fixed Invoicing payment provider was missing in 3.1.3
Fixed Scanning all assemblies in bin folder and cs files in App_Code

Version 2.3.4

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Added Staging domains supported
Added QuickPay v10 supported
Fixed All assemblies in bin folder is scanned for payment providers and dependencies
Fixed PayPal require TLS 1.2 for all https connections

Version 2.3.3

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Fixed Installing on Azure would result in no database tables as the detection of DB type was faulty
Fixed Services now uses locks for fixing race conditions
Fixed Removed security checks for some Tea Commerce backoffice controllers
Fixed Using IContent instead of Document for product information extractor
Fixed Now supports v2 licenses

Version 2.3.2

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Added MailSending event now has a cancel event args to cancel sending
Fixed Shipping method now defaults correctly when country/country region changes
Fixed Order/Order lines properties was wrongly formatted in XML
Fixed MailSend event is now called only when email is send
Fixed Umbraco v7 - vat group picker had naming bug for a variable
Fixed Downgraded Newtonsoft.Json to 5.0.8 for Umbraco 4 and 6
Fixed Ongone payment provider had a casing error in calculating the SHAINPASSPHRASE
Broken Removed DatabaseConnector interface. Use DatabaseFactory
Broken Updated all NotificationCenter event signatures

Version 2.3.1

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Fixed Updated Newtonsoft.Json to 6.0.3

Version 2.3.0

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Added Compatible with Umbraco 7.1+
Added Prices can be entered with VAT into Umbraco
Added Klarna payment provider saves billing_address and shipping_address properties to the order
Fixed Database can now be fetched without a HttpContext
Fixed SetCurrentOrderId now support orders with the payment status of initialized
Fixed Updated WorldPay payment provider to use 100 as testMode parameter
Fixed Adding cart number to Klarna payment provider
Fixed Payer would double the price if quantity > 1 (Thanks Christerj)
Fixed Updated ePay payment provider webservice reference (Thanks Rasmus Fjord)
Broken Order, shipping, payment and product calculators has minor refactoring (Only affects custom calculators).

Version 2.2.3

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Added Updated Autofac to version 3.3
Fixed Looping dll files with Autofac would give "value is null" exception if a dll had errors - now using try/catch
Fixed Wannafind now opens with target=_self instead of _blank
Fixed Couldn't install on an MySql dabatase
Fixed The information extractor would reuse changed information instead of the original

Version 2.2.2

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Added Added Klarna as a payment provider
Fixed Wannafind payment provider didn't work with the md5 hash key

Version 2.2.1

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Fixed TC.GetCurrentOrder would create a new order even if autoCreate was false
Fixed JSON serialization with " chars would fail
Fixed Race conditions that could get the cache to fail
Fixed Fallback to node id and node name didn't work correctly
Fixed Wannafind now opens in a new tab instead of a popup window
Fixed Dependencies can now be loaded from App_Code
Fixed hasCurrentOrder was removed from the JavaScript API as it was removed in other API's

Version 2.2.0

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Added Product uniqueness can now be determined from order line properties
Added HTML API now default to an input field with the same name as the parameter
Added Stripe payment gateway is supported using inline form (thanks to Matt Brailsford)
Added CyberSource payment gateway is supported using inline form
Added Email templates can now have To addresses
Added Added totalQuantity of order lines to the Order object and in XML and JSON
Added The name of an order line will fallback to the name of the page
Added edit-order.cshtml and email-template-confimation.cshtml is now available in the zip file of the package
Fixed Deleting an order line with a child order line would result in an SQL exception
Fixed Saving prices for shipping and payment methods would result in an SQL exception
Fixed async setting couldn't be overwritten in the JavaScript API
Fixed RenderTemplateFile is now case insensitive
Fixed Original prices was outputted to JSON for child order lines
Fixed Order and order line properties is saved as nvarchar instead of ntext - so its possible to make where clauses
Fixed Calculators default to use the method without an order - so the code can be written in one place
Fixed Payment provider settings is now saved as nvarchar
Fixed MD5 check sum error when doing Quickpay API calls - e.g. get status, capture etc.
Fixed PayPal now only supports an interger for quantity instead of decimal
Fixed Removed permission check for VAT group picker
Broken HasCurrentOrder has been removed from the HTML, JavaScript and Razor API's. Use GetCurrentOrder( storeId, false) to get an order if it exists
Broken HasCurrentFinalizedOrder has been removed from the HTML, JavaScript, Razor and XSLT API's
Broken The notification center has moved or renamed events PaymentFormGenerating, OrderFinalized and OrderFinalizing
Broken Payment provider API has changed - only affects custom created providers
Broken ParsePrice method has been renamed to ParseToDecimal

Version 2.1.3

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Added Added PaymentSense payment provider
Added Added swedish language to the Tea Commerce backend
Added Added list of ISO 3166 country codes to the payment provider API
Fixed The new domain architecture in Umbraco 6.1+ is now supported
Fixed XSLT extensions wouldn't load in Umbraco 6.1+
Fixed Stock data type wouldn't save the right value when creating a new node in Umbraco 6.1+
Fixed Saving a finalized order would add a duplicate entry in the order XML cache
Fixed SessionController wouldn't move an order correctly in a rare edge case
Fixed Refactored license check for Url referrer
Broken Hashing methods renamed for payment providers

Version 2.1.2

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Added Added Axcess payment provider
Added Entire Razor and XSLT API has been commented in the .NET code
Fixed Notification center wouldn't send the correct events when saving the order
Fixed The JavaScript API now alerts with a readable error when Tea Commerce isn't licensed
Fixed Removed faulty async settings from a few methods in the JavaScript API
Fixed Custom properties database type was ntext - changed to nvarchar(max)

Version 2.1.1

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Fixed Updating order lines using the order line id was broken in 2.1
Fixed SagePay had problems with capture/cancel because of a wrong order properties casing for VendorTxCode and TxAuthNo
Fixed GetAllFinalizedOrdersForCustomer would return no orders because of a wrong select
Fixed JavaScript events would not fire in all cases
Fixed Problems updating order lines after customer went to payment
Broken payment, shipment, transaction has been renamed to paymentInformation, shipmentInformation, transactionInformation in the order JSON

Version 2.1.0

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Added Updated QuickPay to protocol 7
Added Added SetCurrentOrder to the JavaScript API
Added Stores can now share stock of the products
Fixed Cart/Order numbers wasn't assigned correctly when previous orders was deleted
Fixed Adding a setting to a payment method's payment provider
Fixed Email templates couldn't be deleted
Fixed Email template settings didn't get saved
Fixed JavaScript bug in the default implementation of edit-order.cshtml
Fixed Order search would break using SQL CE when no orders was found
Fixed GetFinalizedOrdersAsXml didn't return any orders
Fixed SQL CE couldn't save orders
Fixed Product bundles couldn't be specified in the JavaScript API
Fixed ServerSideOnly order/order lines properties would be exposed to the JavaScript API
Fixed SagePay didn't work if no shipping address was added to the order
Fixed Order/Order lines properties was nvarchar(255) instead of ntext
Broken Changed the format of order/order line properties in the HTML API - see new format here
Broken Dependencies that needs to be suppressed should be specified in code using the SuppressDependency attribute instead of the config file in Tea Commerce
Broken Changed BeforePaymentFormGenerated event to PaymentFormGenerating
Broken ProductService has been moved to TeaCommerce.Api.Services and ProductSnapshot has been moved to TeaCommerce.Api.Models

Version 2.0.0

IMPORTANT It's not possible to upgrade a Tea Commerce 1.x to 2.0

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Added Multiple stores
Added Supports MS SQL, SQL CE, MySql, Azure SQL
Added Brand new APIs - JavaScript, Razor, XSLT, .NET and HTML
Added Support for product bundles
Added Supporting countries and regions (states)
Added Tool that makes it easy to manage/copy multiple language versions
Added Notification API to get notified when things changes
Added Customizable price calculations - for orders, shipping, payment etc.
Added Shop owners can edit orders in the backend
Last Updated: 12/27/2018, 7:28:31 PM