Version 3.4.4
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Fixed | Fixed bug where SagePay provider was defaulting to non 3D Secure payments. |
Improved | Upgraded SagePay provider to use the 3.x API. |
Version 3.4.3
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Fixed | Fixed bug where payment inconsistency was being treated as a transaction fee. Now only assumes this is the inconsistency is an over payment. |
Fixed | Fixed bug in cache refresher throwing error if there is no cache to update. |
Version 3.4.2
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Fixed | Fixed issue with internal cache storing null values by mistake |
Improved | Improved variants property editor to remove invalid combinations on save |
Version 3.4.1
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Fixed | Fixed regression issue where javascript API wasn't returning entity ids in update events |
Version 3.4.0
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Fixed | Distributed cache clearing on ALL servers rather than just child servers |
Fixed | Payment provider dependencies now internalized to prevent conflicts (mostly with JSON.NET) |
Fixed | Removed Transaction added in previous update due to it causing multiple deadlocks |
Fixed | Clicking on an Order Status tree node whilst viewing an Order now takes you back to the Order list for that Status |
Improved | Improved HTML API performance by only persisting an Order once per request |
Improved | Improved Cache performance by moving to ConcurrentDictionary over the old List + Lock approach |
Improved | Stripe now updated to the latest version |
Improved | Stripe one-time payment provider now uses a synchronous approach so no need for webhooks (NB provider settings and sample view files may have changed so please read the docs before upgrading) |
Improved | Stripe subscription payment provider now requires manual webhook registration rather than the auto-magic registration (NB provider settings and sample view files may have changed so please read the docs before upgrading) |
Broken | Some TeaCommerceHelper methods have had a change of signature, but these are all via optional params with a backwards compatible default |
Version 3.3.2
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Fixed | Stripe payment provider updated to sel register webhooks as it wasn't possible in the Stripe dashboard to select a specific webhook API version |
Improved | Stripe now updated to the latest version |
Improved | Payment providers now merged with ILRepack as ILMerge was causing some issues |
Broken | Payment providers now require Tea Commerce 3.3.0 minimum dependency |
Version 3.3.1
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Fixed | Order calculations no longer error if a product rule is defined against an unpublished product node (Issue #84) |
Fixed | Fixed error in Tea Commerce section when Security/License node access is removed for a user (Issue #86) |
Fixed | Variants property editor is now hidden untill initial save (Issue #88) |
Fixed | Fixed error if an order is saved too quickly (Issue #90) |
Fixed | Fixed core data types not playing nicely with Umbraco Deploy (Issue #82) |
Fixed | Added productContent null check to OrderLinesThatMatchProductOrProductCategory which was causing errors (PR #85) |
Fixed | Fixed master relations not working for MNTP / content pickers in Umbraco v7 (Issue #32 / PR #77) |
Improved | Tea Commerce can now render partial views as well as macroscripts (Issue #79 / PR #80) |
Improved | Stripe payment provider has been updated with the latest Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) recomendations (NB provider settings may have changed so please read the docs before upgrading) |
Broken | Klarna payment provider has been removed due to depricated API (If you are using the previoulsy built in Klarna provider, you should move to an alternative provider prior to upgrading) |
Version 3.3.0
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Install notes
Because payment providers are now ILMerged into a single DLL to prevent conflicts, if you are upgrading from a previous install the old DLLs will remain in the bin folder. It isn't essential these are removed as the ones inside the payment providers DLL will take presedence, but if you would like to keep your bin folder tidy, you can safely delete the following DLLs:
- Klarna.Checkout.dll
- Paynova.Api.Client.dll
Added | Added additional method signature to TC.GetOrder to support getting an order by cartNumber. |
Added | Added distributed cache support so internal caches will stay in sync on load balanced environments |
Added | Added Updated events to all entity types |
Added | Added Finalizing event to orders about to be finalized |
Added | Added as an allowed dev/staging top level domain |
Added | New Stripe Subscriptions payment provider has been added |
Improved | AuthorizeNet payment provider has been Upgraded to Accept Hosted as previous implementation has been depricated (NB provider settings may have changed so please read the docs before upgrading) |
Improved | Stripe payment provider has been Upgraded to the lastest implementation including TLS 1.2 support (NB provider settings may have changed so please read the docs before upgrading) |
Improved | Payment providers DLL now ILMerge's any third party dependencies into the one DLL meaning less to deploy and less likliehood of conflicts |
Improved | Relaxed the email validation regex to ^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,9}$ as previous regex was too strict causing false negatives |
Fixed | Fixed issue with variants property editor loosing value if content is saved before property editor is fully initialized |
Fixed | Fixed issue with variants property editor not showing variants doctype properties |
Fixed | Fixed issue where you would get logged out when creating new entities where the parent node previously had no children |
Fixed | Fixed console errors when attempting to add campaign rule but with no rule type selected |
Fixed | Fixed trees not highlighting current position |
Fixed | Fixed missing icons in security section |
Fixed | Fixed error when removing an image from a payment/shipping method |
Broken | Payment providers are now compiled against .NET 4.5 (was previously 4.0) |
Version 3.2.5
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Fixed | Fixed MySql DB error with discounts |
Fixed | Fixed inconsistent payment status with 3+ decimals |
Version 3.2.4
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Fixed | Fixed culture problem making server UI culture decide how to format stock |
Fixed | Make sure the install task always installs translations |
Version 3.2.3
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Added | Added en-us translations |
Fixed | Problem with stock property editor when product had no sku property |
Fixed | Fixed problem with a closing database reader in Umbraco 7.6+ |
Fixed | PayPal payment provider made more secure |
Version 3.2.2
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Fixed | Suppress Dependency code can now be debugged again |
Version 3.2.1
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Improved | Changed all TC "T" products to type class to force people not to use |
Fixed | Null pointer exception when there's no SKU and no Variants |
Version 3.2.0
This release is all about better support of Umbraco Cloud and using Tea Commerce with custom product data. This gives you the opportunity to use Tea Commerce with e.g data from a search index, your own product database, an XML file with products etc.
Better Umbraco Cloud support
Umbraco Cloud is a great tool made by the great people at Umbraco HQ. Tea Commerce now support the domain as a valid test domain. So now you can test as much as you like 😃
Packages for Umbraco normally use package actions to do custom install tasks - e.g. installing DB scheme, adding application trees etc. Package actions is not supported in the flow of Umbraco Cloud. So to better support it, we removed all the package actions and made Tea Commerce bootstrap the install process on application load. This means that Tea Commerce will detect if it is fully installed, else it will run its install tasks. So now Tea Commerce will auto install in all your Umbraco Cloud environments.
No data is moved
At the moment, we don't move any Tea Commerce data on Umbraco Cloud. So when you create a new shipping method on your local, you also need to create it in your other environments. That is by purpose, because when a shop is online you don't want a payment method deleted by accident, because you deleted it on your local machine for testing.
Your products, categories etc, is just normal Umbraco content and is there by automatically moved by Umbraco out of the box.
Use Tea Commerce with non Umbraco content
Using other data than the Umbraco content as your product data has been made more integrated. Tea Commerce will now be able to interact with your custom product objects. We have created and tested the new feature focusing on making a way to let Tea Commerce use the Examine index as it's product backing. This makes searching and cross-referencing products extremely fast, and Tea Commerce will not waste any time when creating prices and getting other information from the products.
To read about how to create your own generic product information extractor click here
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Added | Huge generic product overhaul |
Added | Use Tea Commerce with non Umbraco content - e.g. search index, custom product DB, XML file etc. |
Added | Support Umbraco Cloud (Auto install on environment - no data is moved) |
Added | is now a valid domain for testing |
Improved | New tree icons i backoffice (Thanks Matt Brailsford) |
Improved | Right access permissions are given when user is given access to the Tea Commerce section |
Improved | One class can suppress multiple dependencies |
Fixed | Order calculator calculated prices when when using bundles and discounts at the same time |
Broken | Removed currencyId from TC.FormatPrice |
Broken | IProductInformationExtractor, IPublishedContentProductInformationExtractor and IProductService have been extended with extra methods |
Broken | TC.GetVariantGroups() now needs the product |
Broken | Variant models namespaces have been streamlined |
Version 3.1.4
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Fixed | Invoicing payment provider was missing in 3.1.3 |
Fixed | Scanning all assemblies in bin folder and cs files in App_Code |
Version 3.1.3
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Added | Staging domains supported |
Added | JavaScript API supports logging with TC.log = true |
Fixed | All assemblies in bin folder is scanned for payment providers and dependencies |
Fixed | PayPal require TLS 1.2 for all https connections |
Fixed | Users is given permissions when given access to the Tea Commerce section instead of on install |
Fixed | MySql install error after install script 007 |
Fixed | Variant properties will now be parsed instead of just returning its raw value |
Broken | LoggingService has new method signatures. Attention if you use custom payment providers |
Version 3.1.2
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Fixed | From now on Tea Commerce does not ship with Newtonsoft and will therefore upgrade with no complications |
Version 3.1.1
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Fixed | Problem with error logging when redirecting when JavaScript did not send the request to the form post handler |
Version 3.1.0
This update add's a brand new variant property editor for your products. You can now generate variants from multiple variant types or specifications. Each variant can have all the custom information you need using Umbraco document types.
Umbraco 7 only updates
In this update we have started transforming the project in the direction of Umbraco 7. This means some new features will only be available to Umbraco 7 websites.
Install notes
UPDATE: From Tea Commerce version 3.1.2 you no longer have to change anything to make Newtonsoft work.
If you install this on an Umbraco version that uses an older version of Newtonsoft.Json
than v8.x, you have to unzip the install package, copy the Newtonsoft.Json.dll
to the bind folder. Now make a dependentAssembly
entry in your web.config to redirect the assembly to v8.x.
<assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
If you have used either XmlNodeProductInformationExtractor
or DynamicNodeProductInformationExtractor
you will also need to overwrite the Tea Commerce binaries and make your project build before you install Tea Commerce. The replacement is the PublishedContentProductInformationExtractor
which should be implemented instead. Remember to change the SuppressDependency
attribute to:
[SuppressDependency( "TeaCommerce.Umbraco.Configuration.InformationExtractors.IPublishedContentProductInformationExtractor", "TeaCommerce.Umbraco.Configuration" )]
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Added | FormPostHandler will now log errors to the Umbraco log |
Added | Created virtual property for DiscountCodeService ValidChars |
Added | Created virtual property for GiftCardService ValidChars |
Added | Javascript can now be set to log everything to the browser console by setting TC.log = true |
Added | Marketing rules do now have a not equals option |
Added | Umbraco 7 - Variants property editor |
Added | Umbraco 7 - Added methods for fetching variants to TC |
Added | Umbraco 7 - A column will be added to the TeaCommerce_Store table |
Improved | Umbraco 7 - Changed discount code tree icons |
Fixed | Marketing PropertyRule would not work unless the property was either ServerSideOnly or IsReadOnly |
Broken | Upgraded Newtonsoft.Json to v8.0.2 |
Broken | Umbraco 7 - Replaced XmlNodeProductInformationExtractor with PublishedContentProductInformationExtractor and ContentProductInformationExtractor |
Broken | Umbraco 7 - Removed DynamicNodeProductInformationExtractor |
Broken | Umbraco 7 - Refactored TC GetPropertyValue method to use IPublishedContent and generic return types |
Version 3.0.7
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Added | QuickPay v10 supported |
Added | Shipping and payment method marketing rules is now available |
Added | Specify "Allow with previous campaigns" for a marketing campaign |
Added | Wannafind and SagePay supports 3dSecure payments |
Added | Marketing campaign icons will change to red when not active |
Fixed | Klarna now updates order information correctly at Klarna |
Fixed | Updated link to documentation |
Fixed | Printing an order in Chrome would cut most of the order info away |
Fixed | UI changes for the marketing section |
Version 3.0.6
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Fixed | Added new Vat methods to TC |
Version 3.0.5
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Added | Change current VAT group using the API |
Added | Changed default number of generated discount codes |
Added | Check that discount code already exists when entering it manually |
Fixed | System.Security.SecurityException fixed for security/permissions settings |
Broken | Marketing campaigns are applied to the order in the sorted order |
Version 3.0.4
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Added | Possible to limit other campaigns from giving discounts if a discount is already applied |
Fixed | System.Security.SecurityException fixed for store settings |
Broken | NotificationCenter will trigger MailSending and MailSend events everytime an email template is sent |
Broken | Bug with marketing and using SQL CE |
Version 3.0.3
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Fixed | Store id would not be fetched correctly from the query string on marketing campaigns in Umbraco 7.2.4 |
Version 3.0.2
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Fixed | Tea Commerce JavaScript library would not post forms |
Version 3.0.1
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Added | Updated the edit order and email standard templates (Remember to merge it with yours) |
Added | Added code comments for all objects associated with an order |
Added | Added the possibility to ajax the form from generatePaymentForm |
Added | Only edit permissions for users that have access to the Tea Commerce section |
Fixed | GetFinalizedOrdersForCustomer would always return 0 orders |
Fixed | Deleting an order would result in a 404 in Umbraco 7 |
Fixed | Conctants bug with ClientDependency |
Fixed | It was not possible to edit the recalculate finalized order at an order status |
Fixed | User would redirect to login screen in Umbraco 7 when creating first shop or a gift card |
Fixed | Some times users installing Tea Commerec wouldn't get automatic access |
Fixed | Users with en-us culture would fail when browsing to the Tea Commerce section |
Fixed | Stock would not be deducted when an order was finalized |
Fixed | Services now uses locks for fixing race conditions |
Fixed | Gift card valid days saved from wrong UI field |
Fixed | Giving Marketing permissions would result in wrong permission settings |
Fixed | Opened OrderCalculator again |
Fixed | Adding a discount code/gift card code would result in a faulty order state |
Fixed | JavaScript function arrayContains would break some 3 party JS library |
Fixed | Installing on Azure would result in no database tables as the detection of DB type was faulty |
Fixed | Order calculator will now calculate true order total without discounts |
Version 3.0.0
Marketing marketing marketing!
This release is all about the marketing capabilities in Tea Commerce. Now the webshop owner can create discount codes, free shipping discount, 10% discount for specific product categories etc.
We have also open sourced the Tea Commerce integration with Umbraco on GitHub. So now everyone can contribute!
Remember to read the install notes - both when installing or upgrading!
Install note
If you install this on an Umbraco version that uses an older version of Newtonsoft.Json than v6.x, you have to unzip the install package, copy the Newtonsoft.Json.dll to the bin folder. Now make a dependentAssembly entry in your web.config to redirect the assembly to v6.x.
<assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
All custom code has to be recompiled using the new dll files because the Assembly versions of the files has changed. Because of changes to the price object structure, you need to update templates that use these objects - both email templates and page templates.
If you upgrade an existing site that has orders that is not yet finalized but has been paid at the payment gateway. The gateway can't send notifications to Tea Commerce for these orders as the URL's in Tea Commerce has changed. So upgrade with this in mind - probably a late night with tea and biscuits 😃
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Added | Added marketing capabilities - discount codes, free shipping, 10% discount etc. |
Added | Paynova gateway added |
Added | Restocking items when quantity is changed or order is deleted |
Added | Email templates are now generic |
Added | Added getFinalizedOrderForCustomer to the JavaScript API |
Fixed | Allowed shipping- and paymentmethods now works correctly |
Fixed | Wrong currency would be used to format prices for multi currency setups |
Fixed | Searching orders will now search using both cart- and ordernumber |
Fixed | Uppercase error with Ogone SHA IN |
Fixed | Payer used total price instead of unit price |
Broken | Price structure/calculators has changed to support marketing |
Broken | SKU, product name and VAT group property alias is now hardcoded - sku, productName, vatGroup |
Broken | Upgraded Newtonsoft.Json to v6.0.6 |
Broken | Security checks added to payment gateways |
Broken | Template engine refactored - edit order and email templates need to be revisited |
Broken | Updated Assembly versions |
Broken | Order XML cache has been removed |
Broken | XSLT support has been removed |
Broken | Removed SetCurrentOrder from JavaScript and HTML API |
Broken | Removed GetAllFinalizedOrdersAsXml method from the Tea Commerce Helper |